Thursday, January 26, 2012

Commentary on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' Resignation

     United States Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) resigned from the House of Representatives yesterday in order to focus on her recovery from an attempted assassination attempt a year ago.

     Giffords' moving letter of resignation was read to the House, as she still suffers from a speech impediment after being shot in the head, and presented to Speaker John Boehner at the rostrum.  In the letter, she expressed her desire to seek election to the House upon her recovery.  Giffords received a standing ovation from the members of both parties.

     Alas, the resignation effectuates the intent of the would-be-assassin by removing her from Congress.  However, Rep. Giffords, was at least able to return to the House for several months and, as her recovery gradually progresses, she may yet again.  If she does, Americans will again cheer her, as her personal victory over her wounds would also be a triumph of representative government over unnecessary political violence.

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